Commercial HVAC Selection Process
The reality, however, is that choosing the right HVAC contractor for commercial needs is just as important and in-depth of a process as doing so for your home, and it’s vital to know how to go about it. And if you are charged with seeking out the best options for your company’s commercial HVAC options, then the key task you face is choosing the contractor that best fits your needs.
Success requires a commitment on behalf of the company seeking HVAC solutions. But it is not a difficult project – if you know the right questions to ask and the right places to look.
With that in mind, let’s take a peek at the best methods of selecting the right heating and air conditioning company for your commercial needs.
If you are looking for a new HVAC contractor, are new to a particular locale or are unsatisfied with your current heating and air company and are looking for a new relationship, then it is incumbent upon you to do some legwork and learn about the contractors available to you – and how they operate.
At the very least, this means placing some phone calls, poking around the internet and canvassing colleagues and peers for their thoughts.
NO matter where you work in north Georgia, if you type “commercial HVAC services” into your web browser, you are certain to come back with more options than you can ever begin to fully research, therefore it is imperative that you do some detective work to narrow down potential candidates.
Start by talking with your peers, those businesses who have similar needs (building size, numbers of employees, similar office geography, etc.), and see whom they employ and how they judge the quality of their services. How highly would they recommend their service?
Next, start surfing the net. You can visit any potential contractor’s website and see what each contractor feels is important to the customer. Do they make a point of displaying their experience? Do they play up customer service? How clear is it that their technicians are NATE (North American Technician Excellence) certified and receive training on the latest advances in the heating and cooling field? Do they make commercial HVAC as big of a priority as residential heating and air? How easy do they make it to get in touch with them? Do they fully service and maintain the systems they install – or even systems they did not install? Are they available whenever you need them – in other words, do they have an emergency service?
These are all important questions you could ask in person, but a company that addresses these issues on their website shows a company that at least understands how important these are to the customer (something that they can then make obvious by their actions). Learning about these facets online also allows you to spend your time focusing on other concerns when you do call potential contractors.
This is the last, most important step in determining the best choices for your commercial HVAC needs. Talking to company representatives on the phone will reveal much, not only about their approach to potential customers, but also gives you the opportunity to ask in-depth questions that yield revealing responses.
When you talk to any prospective heating and air conditioning contractor, there is a checklist of questions you should cover:
Do they have experience with a wide range of systems and manufacturers?
It is not ideal if their technicians only work with huge facilities, and you own a smaller office building – or vice-versa. And if they only utilize one type of equipment, they may not have a range of options to offer you the best system to meet your needs. They should also be talk to you about the wide ranges of options that best fit your physical and comfort needs and why these solutions will work best for you.
Do they understand and utilize new technology?
The HVAC industry has made tremendous technological strides over the past 10 years, and if a company is not learning on the go, they are not going to be able to provide you with options that both produce optimum comfort and does so in the most environmentally and cost-efficient methods.
Do they make it a point to discuss the importance of regular maintenance on HVAC equipment?
If you have a company install your HVAC equipment and then turn their back on it, you will suffer the consequences, as all systems require upkeep in order to perform at peak efficiency. Therefore, a service contract after installation is a must. Leading heating and cooling companies understand this and will talk as much about their service as their installation. Contractors should be able to discuss how to extend the life of your equipment and increase your energy efficiency in the future – if not, do not hire them.
Can they provide a thorough cost analysis and projected return on investment?
This is obviously a HUGELY important question for any company, but especially smaller firms. And any contractor that has provided significant commercial HVAC service in the past will understand this and be happy to present the analysis for you. They should understand the budget that you have to work with and effort to provide you with the optimum systems based on your financial considerations. Also, make sure that they mention local, state and federal tax credits or other incentives available and know how to meet key deadlines and apply for these incentives.
Finally, what do they want to do in order to earn your business?
The best HVAC contractors have a passion for their jobs and should be able to demonstrate that to you in discussing the various jobs they have executed and challenges they have overcome. They should also have plenty of materials to show you that demonstrate their commitment to quality and how they can best serve you. This attention to detail should also extend to any estimates or job quotes that they present to you in person (NEVER take an estimate that is not presented in written form, in person!).
Besides just installing and maintaining your company’s HVAC system, leading heating and air companies also fulfill a number of duties.
They will keep manufacturers’ warranties valid and in good standing and ensure that you squeeze every last drop of comfort from the life of your system. This will ensure that your investment pays for itself and presents the optimum ROI.
Understand that the IRS, under the Section 179 Deduction, allows you to deduct 100 percent of your investment up to $1 million in the same year that it was purchased/installed.
The right HVAC system also reduces the carbon footprint of your facility and makes your business a more efficient member of the local community.
If you are struggling in finding the right commercial HVAC contractor in north Georgia, please understand that Conditioned Air Systems has been providing outstanding commercial installation for almost four decades to companies of all sizes. And we are always ready to add to our list of satisfied clients.