The Dangers of Self Repair on a Furnace
When it comes to home self repairs and related difficulties, that likely means we opt for do-it-yourself (DIY) fixes rather than hiring a professional in order to keep expenditures as low as possible.
In the case of HVAC hacks, there are certainly several things you can do to help lead to lower repair bills:
- replacing your filters every 3-4 months in order to ensure maximum efficiency,
- setting your thermostat lower during the night
- maybe even setting your furnace one degree cooler overall.
However, if your furnace breaks down or starts to malfunction during the winter, there are some things you should know before you attempt ANY in-depth dangerous DIY repairs.
In the fact, the dangers of self furnace repair on a furnace can lead to bigger problems within the unit, fire and even death (sadly, we are not exaggerating). So, if you are going to attempt any do-it-yourself on your heating system, there are several hazards you should be aware of. And, ultimately, you should always keep the number of a professional technician handy in case you encounter anything that makes you concerned or may be beyond your knowledge.
So, what exactly are the concerns of self-repair on a furnace? Let’s take a quick look at some of the dangers of self repair of a furnace.
Turning a Minor Furnace Issue into a Major One
A common problem encountered by professional HVAC technicians is a furnace system that has gone from bad to worse due to the homeowner trying to fix something of which they were not fully prepared for.
YouTube and the internet are full of wonderful information and can prove a genuine guide for those interested in DIY furnace repairs. However, it is also easy to get ahead of yourself, miss a step or come across a video that does not thoroughly explain itself.
And should you be the unlucky soul that incurs this problem, you have just increased the money on your repairs. Instead, you will need to call a professional to come in and help out. So, why not call a pro in the first place if you are not 100 percent confident of your information and ability to correct the issue? Plus, a manufacturer may void your warranty if you, a homeowner without appropriate licensing, were to work on the system and cause damage.
Repair is a Dangerous Fire Hazard for a Furnace
You are dealing with something that creates heat. How do you think that heat is generated? Something has to either produce a flame or use electricity to warm heating coils. Damaging either one of these elements could result in a fire or explosion.
If you are not 100% certain in your approach, you could end up with crossed wires or a gas leak. Both could lead to a highly damaging or even deadly fire. And the real problem is that the fire could take hours or days to occur, so you won’t know of the problem until it is too late.
Repairing Carbon Monoxide Leaks
Surely you have heard of carbon monoxide. It is a colorless, odorless gas that, if inhaled in enough quantities, can prove fatal. Carbon monoxide leaks from a faulty natural gas furnace is a significant enough threat that many homes have carbon monoxide alarms installed.
There is no need to panic. These leaks rarely, and we mean RARELY, happen. When attended by someone who knows exactly what they are doing. If you are not experienced in furnace repair and attempt to fix a natural gas furnace, you risk exposing you and your family.
That is something you want to avoid at all costs. So, if you attempt self-repair on your natural gas furnace, please do so carefully to prevent dangers.
Dangerous Refrigerant Leak Self Repairs in Heat Pumps
While there is no flame present in a heat pump, there is still a danger present in refrigerant, which the system utilizes to produce both heat and cool air.
Refrigerant leaks are dangerous, causing dizziness, asphyxia, and other respiratory problems. This is why it requires utmost care when working with a heat pump.
The good news is that furnace and heat pump repair does not always require a significant investment, and many professional HVAC contractors will also work with you to develop a payment plan should you require an expensive fix.
If you find yourself battling a troublesome or broken furnace or heat pump, why not call a professional and avoid concerns of bigger hassles. You need to be 100% certain that you can fix it safely and easily.
Conditioned Air Systems NATE-certified technicians are always ready to come lend a hand and provide safe and immediate resolution for any problem you may be facing this winter. And our approach will allow you to take your mind off the problems, while also knowing that we will find a way to do so in the most cost-effective manner. We will also work with you to ensure that any service charge does not overwhelm your budget.
Don’t make this annoying furnace repair problem worse, simply call Conditioned Air Systems today at 770-536-7509 or read more of our furnace articles, and let our four decades of experience in the HVAC industry come to your aid.